Sangah Noona started taking classical piano lessons with well known piano instructors and professors when she was nine. Sangah studied classical piano until she fell in love with the band Nirvana when she was 16. Sangah made the decision to learn non-classical music while her passion developed in heavy metal music. She spent a lot of time at professional recording studios, concert halls, and music clubs to gain insight into the new music environment. Meanwhile, she studied classical composition for her college admission. At the crossroad, she decided to take the piano performance audition instead of classical composition. She was accepted into Dongduk Women University and the Seoul Institute of the Arts which were nominated for the best school for non-classical music in South Korea. For her entry audition piece, she selected, ‘Master of Puppets’ by Metallica in 2000. She arranged and performed the song on piano, and blew away the judges. Sangah majored jazz piano at Dongduk Women University, and graduated in 2005.